Tuesday, September 18, 2012

So Long Sweet Summer

So Long Sweet Summer

As the summer is coming to a close it is a bitter sweet feeling that is stirring in me. On one hand I am so excited for the Pumpkin Cupcakes and Poached Pears that the fall holds, but on the other hand I am so reluctant to give up the berries and peaches the summer stands for. The cherry season was so short this year I had to make the most of the cherries while I had them. While Cherries Jubilee was a bit of a failure as far as popularity goes, the Cherry Berry Crisp made up for it. I must say my biggest victory this summer was the above pictured Peach Shortcake. Organic peaches soaked in vanilla bean bourbon are the high light of this plate, but I also loved how it was plated. Simple, but unique in a southern way. And nothing says southern like a mint leaf garnish. The full flavor of a peach is one of the sweetest parts of summer, but I am ready to give them up because I think I have made peaches just about every way possible on this earth!
While it is easy to fall into a rut of the same desserts and flavors, only using what is in season will keep you on your toes. I am looking forward so much to the warmth and spice that makes fall my favorite time of the year. I am ready to bring on all things pumpkin and spice! Not to leave fruits to the way side, there will be Apple Cranberry Crisps, Pear Tarts, and Figgy Puding in my future! I am excited for this chapter of the year to unfold and all the victories and failures that are to come.
Keeping It Sweet,

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