Thursday, December 6, 2012


From Pumpkin to Peppermint

Now that Thanksgiving has passed, so has the peak of pumpkin season. It's time to file away the pumpkin recipes and dig out the peppermint, egg nog, and gingerbread recipes. I am excited to debute my Peppermint Hot Fudge Sundae. I have been thinking about it since mid November and you better believe I put that thing on the menu December 1st! The freshly made peppermint ice cream is carried by a warm flourless brownie and its is topped with dark chocolate ganache, sweet cream, and of course, candy cane bits. It has been a huge hit so far and I am hoping it holds on to enough popularity that I can keep it permanently on the menu after the holidays with vanilla ice cream.
There is so much to look forward to this month that I am afraid I will run out of time before I can get to everything. I have a special place in my heart for egg nog flavored anything. I have been experimenting with all kinds of recipes to get everything just right. I have yet to find a gingerbread loaf recipe I truly love but hopefully tomorrow that will change. Not to mention I have a pomegranate cheese cake recipe that gives seasonal fruit something to be talked about.
This is my favorite time of the year to get lost in the seasonal bliss of good food, family, and warm clothes. I hope my recipes inspire and motivate you to try something new this holiday seaosn.
Keeping it Sweet,

1 comment:

  1. I want to follow you on here but it won't let me! You don't have a follow button! :(
